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Debes completar el test desde el principio, por orden y hasta donde puedas. El test de inglés consta de 60 preguntas. Si quieres dejar de contestar el test a la mitad, tendrás que ir a la última página, donde te pediremos tu nombre y tu correo electrónico para poder enviarte el resultado. Muchas gracias.

Where can you see these notices?

1Please leave the room key at reception.
2Foreign money changed here.
3Afternoon show begins at 2 pm.
4Closed for holidays. Lessons start again on the 8th January.
5Price per night: £10 a tent, £5 a person.

Choose the word which best fits each space in the text below.

Scotland is the north part of the island of Great Britain. The Atlantic Ocean is on the west and the North Sea on the east. Some people (6) Scotland speak a different language called Gaelic. There are (7) five million people in Scotland, and Edinburgh is (8) most famous city.
Scotland has many mountains; the highest one is called ‘Ben Nevis’. In the south of Scotland, there are a lot of sheep. A long time ago, there (9) many forests, but now there are only a (10).
Scotland is only a small country, but it is quite beautiful.

Choose the word which best fits each space in the text below.

Alice Guy Blaché

Alice Guy Blaché was the first female film director. She first became involved in cinema whilst working for the Gaumont Film Company in the late 1890s. This was a period of great change in the cinema and Alice was the first to use many new inventions, (11) sound and color.

In 1907 Alice (12) to New York where she started her own film company. She was (13) successful, but, when Hollywood became the centre of the film world, the best days of the independent New York film companies were (14).

When Alice died in 1968, hardly anybody (15) her name.

UFOs - do they exist?

UFO is a short for ‘unidentified flying object’. UFOs are popularly known as flying saucers, (16) that is often the (17) they are reported to be. The (18) ‘flying saucers’ were seen in 1947 by an American pilot, but experts who studied his claim decided it had been a trick of the light.

Even people experienced at watching the sky, (19) as pilots, report seeing UFOs.

In 1978 a pilot reported a collection of UFOs off the coast of New Zealand. A television (20) went up with the pilot and filmed the UFOs. Scientists studying this phenomenon later discovered that in this case they were simply lights on boats out fishing.


Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

21The teacher encouraged her students to an English pen-friend.
22They spent a lot of time at the pictures in the museum.
23Shirley enjoys science lessons, but all her experiments seem to wrong.
24 from Michael, all the group arrived on time.
25She her neighbour’s children for the broken window.
26As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went the homework with me.
27Whether she’s a good actress or not is a of opinion
28The decorated roof of the ancient palace was up by four thin columns
29Would it you if we came on Thursday?
30This form be handed in until the end of the week.

Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

31If you make a mistake when you are writing, just it out with your pen.
32Although our opinions on many things , we’re good friends.
33This product must be eaten two days of purchase.
34The newspaper report contained important information.
35Have you considered to London?
36It can be a good idea for people who lead an active life to increase their of vitamins.
37I thought there was a of jealousy in his reaction to my good fortune.
38Why didn’t you that you were feeling ill?
39James was not sure exactly where his best interest .
40He’s still getting the shock of losing his job.

Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

The tallest building - SKYCRAPERS

Nowadays, skyscrapers can be found in most major cities of the world. A building which was many (41) high was first called a skyscraper in the United States at the end of the 19th century, and New York has perhaps the (42) skyscraper of them all, the Empire State Building. The (43) beneath the streets of New York is rock, (44) enough to take the heaviest load without sinking, and is therefore well-suited to bearing the (45) of tall buildings.


Scrabble is the world’s most popular word game. For its origins, we have to go back to the 1930s in the USA, when Alfred Butts, an architect, found himself out of (46).

He decided that there was a (47) for a board game based on words and (48) to design one. Eventually he made a (49) from it, in spite of the fact that his original (50) was only three cents a game.


Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

51Roger’s manager to make him stay late if he hadn’t finished the work.
52By the time he has finished his week’s work, John has hardly energy left for the weekend.
53As the game to a close, disappointed spectators started to leave.
54I don’t remember the front door when I left home this morning.
55I to other people borrowing my books: they always forget to return them.
56Andrew’s attempts to get into the swimming team have not with much success.
57Although Harry had obviously read the newspaper article carefully, he didn’t seem to have the main point.
58A lot of the views put forward in the documentary were open to .
59The new college for the needs of students with a variety of learning backgrounds.
60I find the times of English meals very strange - I’m not used dinner at 6pm.

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